FDR "The New Deal"
No not this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt , but a guy who plays all instruments heard, as well as a mac powerbook G4, pro-tools, some mics and an M-Box. He also engineers, mixes, and produces the tracks! I caught him last Friday opening for Rogue Wave and he blew my friend and I away! Plus he looks like Elvis Costello on stage and that is pretty cool in my book! He did a novel thing in recording this record and laid down a track everyday for 50 days! That too is pretty cool in my book. I unfortunately did not have any cash on my person at the show (does anyone carry cash these days?), so I was unable to purchase The New Deal (a 3 disc set for $13.00 + shipping) , but from the tracks that I had heard at the show, when it arrives in the mail, hopefully soon, I will not be disappointed. For a one man band, you would be quite surprised at the complexities and layers he can produce and for that we can thank the leaps and bounds that technology in the music and recording industry have made. How great is it that someone who maybe cant work that well with other people can now sit in their bedroom and create wonderfully brilliant music, like Casiotone For the Painfully Alone http://www.cftpa.org/, or Chad VanGaalen http://www.flemisheye.com/chad.php ( who incidentally released a record today entitled Skelliconnection, which at this very moment is looking me in the face patiently awaiting my maiden listen!) FDR has a great stage presence and persona, as well as interesting and funny interlude stories in between songs while he is setting everything up. Check out his myspace page to listen to some songs and if you are in any of the areas where he is touring it wouldn't be a disappointment to check out his live show. Not only will you be endlessly impressed, but you will only have to spend some short dough on the tix!
http://teamclermont.com/CFTPA_ColdWhiteChristmas.mp3 (CFTPA mp3s)
http://www.subpop.com/scripts/main/download.php?url=/downloads/free/Flower_Gardens384.mp3&mid=384 (CVG mp3s)
bagman, when do you find the time to be so involved with the sounds? Keep up the great info.
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